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Ingress to applications managed by Rancher in Kubernetes


To use the ngrok Ingress Controller for Kubernetes with Rancher in a local cluster:

  1. Install Rancher via Docker
  2. Install the ngrok Ingress Controller
  3. Install a sample application

The ngrok Ingress Controller for Kubernetes is the official controller for adding secure public ingress and middleware execution to your Kubernetes applications with ngrok's Cloud Edge. With ngrok, you can manage and secure traffic to your applications at every stage of the development lifecycle while also benefitting from simpler configurations, security, and edge acceleration.

Rancher is an open source multi-cluster orchestration management platform developed by SUSE. DevOps teams use Rancher to make their multi-cluster and -cloud environments more efficient, secure, and resilient, which in turn provides a better developer experience for developers building and deploying cloud native applications.

The ngrok Ingress Controller and Rancher integrate to overcome Kubernetes complexity and improve collaboration through the creation of an internal developer platform (IDP) or enabling developers to focus on building, not configuring, their applications.

With this guide, you'll launch Rancher's management platform, create a new RKE2 cluster, connect your cluster's ingress to ngrok using Rancher's Chart repository, and deploy a demo application, which will then be reachable to public traffic.

This tutorial requires:
  1. An ngrok account.
  2. One or more Linux hosts that meet Rancher's requirements for operating as Kubernetes nodes. Your hosts can be local/on-prem virtual machines, cloud-based virtual machines, or bare metal servers.
  3. Docker installed locally.
  4. kubectl installed locally.

Step 1: Install Rancher via Docker

To follow along with this guide, you need Rancher installed on a local or remote Kubernetes cluster. If you already have an existing cluster running Rancher, you can skip this step and proceed to Step 2: Install the ngrok Ingress Controller.

In the following steps, you'll run Rancher, and create the Kubernetes cluster it runs on, within a Docker container. This simple, local-only installation option should be used only for test and demonstration purposes. You can, however, use the Rancher backup operator to migrate this Docker container-based installation to a production-ready, high-availability Kubernetes cluster.

The following steps also assume you have already provisioned one or more Linux hosts that will operate as nodes for the new Kubernetes cluster managed by Rancher.


Another viable option is to launch a single Linux virtual machine on your local workstation or with a cloud provider to host a K3s cluster for installing Rancher with Helm. If you choose that option, you can skip ahead to Step 2: Install the ngrok Ingress Controller once you’ve finalized your K3s cluster.

  1. Launch the Rancher server in a detached, privileged Docker container. With this configuration, you'll access Rancher on localhost using a specific port.
docker run --privileged --restart=unless-stopped -d -p 81:80 -p 444:443 rancher/rancher:latest
  1. Once Docker finishes running, check to ensure your Rancher container is running properly.
docker ps
d43eceb2e5b2 rancher/rancher:latest "" About a minute ago Up About a minute>80/tcp, :::81->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::444->443/tcp vigilant_clarke
  1. Navigate to https://localhost:444 in your browser, which will warn you about self-signed SSL certificates. Pass through that warning, which will show you a prompt from Rancher asking for your bootstrap password, which you need to initialize Rancher. Copy and paste that command into your terminal, replacing [DOCKER_NAME] with the name output using docker ps.
docker logs [DOCKER_NAME] 2>&1 | grep "Bootstrap Password:"
  1. Copy the terminal output into the password input and click Log in with Local User. Next, choose between a randomly-generated password or one of your choosing to initialize the admin user.

  2. The Server URL field will default to https://localhost:444, but your worker nodes won't be able to connect to Rancher in this configuration. Find your local IP address—try hostname -I for Linux or ipconfig getifaddr en0 on macOs—which will look similar to, and replace localhost with it, similar to the following:

    Configure the Rancher installation URL

    When the Rancher dashboard loads, Rancher should have already deployed a single K3s-based cluster named local—click on the cluster's name to explore. Rancher recommends that its server management and your workloads run on separate clusters, which is what you'll do next.

  3. Create a new RKE2 cluster by clicking Create in your Rancher dashboard home, then Custom to deploy a custom cluster. Give your cluster a name, and under the System Services heading, uncheck NGINX Ingress, as you'll add ngrok-based ingress in the next step. Click Create to initialize the cluster.

    Configure the RKE2 cluster

  4. Register your Linux node(s) with your RKE2 cluster. Leave the Node Role options at their defaults, and under the Registration Command heading and command example, click the Insecure checkbox.

    Configure the agent registration command

    Once you copy-paste the command into your Linux node and execute it, your new cluster will begin bootstrapping the node. When Rancher finishes bootstrapping your node(s), you can navigate to the Cluster Dashboard for your RKE2 cluster, explore deployed resources, and see basic usage metrics.

  5. Set up kubectl to manage your RKE2 cluster. At the top of the Cluster Dashboard, click the Copy KubeConfig to Clipboard option.

    Copy the RKE2 cluster's configuration to your clipboard

    Paste the content of your clipboard into your ~/.kube/config file.

  6. Ensure your new RKE2 cluster is active by getting the namespaces for your instance. Your list of namespaces should look like the following:

kubectl get namespaces

calico-system Active 4m
cattle-impersonation-system Active 29s
cattle-system Active 5m
default Active 5m4s
kube-node-lease Active 5m6s
kube-public Active 5m6s
kube-system Active 5m6s
local Active 23s
tigera-operator Active 4m10s

You have now installed Rancher in a Docker container, created a new Kubernetes cluster for your applications, and connected one or more Linux nodes to Rancher for handling future workloads.

Step 2: Install the ngrok Ingress Controller using Rancher

Next, install the ngrok Kubernetes Ingress Controller, which will then automatically handle public ingress to any properly configured application you add to your cluster. Because this guide focuses on integrating Rancher's management tool with Kubernetes ingress, the following steps will show how to add the ngrok Ingress Controller via the Rancher dashboard.


You can also install the ngrok Ingress Controller with Helm instead of via Rancher's management platform. See our Using ngrok with Kubernetes guide for details.

  1. Create an ngrok-ingress-controller namespace.

    kubectl create namespace ngrok-ingress-controller
  2. Get your ngrok AUTHTOKEN and API_KEY credentials.

    Find your AUTHTOKEN under Your Authtoken in the ngrok dashboard.

    To create a new API key, navigate to the API section of the ngrok dashboard, click the New API Key button, change the description or owner, and click the Add API Key button. Don't close the modal window yet, as you'll need this API key for the next step.

  3. Create a Kubernetes Secret named ngrok-ingress-controller-credentials, replacing [YOUR-AUTHTOKEN] and [YOUR_API_KEY] in the command below with your ngrok credentials. Rancher will use this secret to authenticate the ngrok Ingress Controller with your account.

    kubectl create secret generic --namespace ngrok-ingress-controller ngrok-ingress-controller-credentials \
    --from-literal=AUTHTOKEN=[YOUR-AUTHTOKEN] \
  4. Add the Helm Chart for the ngrok Ingress Controller via Rancher. From the Cluster Dashboard for your RKE2 cluster, click on Apps in the sidebar, then Charts. Search for ngrok Ingress Controller and click through to the README. Click Install to begin configuration.

    Find the ngrok Ingress Controller Helm Chart and begin installation

    In the Metadata step, choose ngrok-ingress-controller as the namespace, then click Next.

    Add the Helm chart to the ngrok-ingress-controller namespace

    In the Values step, update the credentials portion of the default YAML to include the ngrok-ingress-controller-credentials secret you created previously.

    apiKey: ""
    authtoken: ""
    name: "ngrok-ingress-controller-credentials"

    Click Install. Rancher will take a few moments to initialize the necessary resources, then show that the ngrok Ingress Controller deployed successfully.

    Successful deployment of the ngrok Ingress Controller

Step 3: Install a sample application

Now that you have the ngrok Ingress Controller running and authenticated with your credentials, you're ready to add a sample application to your cluster. The ngrok Ingress Controller will connect this application to the ngrok cloud edge, simplifying how you route external traffic through your Rancher-managed cluster.

  1. Create a ngrok static subdomain for ingress if you don't have one already. Navigate to the Domains section of the ngrok dashboard and click Create Domain or New Domain. This static subdomain will be your NGROK_DOMAIN for the remainder of this guide.

    Creating a subdomain on the ngrok network provides a public route to accept HTTP, HTTPS, and TLS traffic.

  2. Create a new Kubernetes manifest (2048.yaml) with the below contents. This manifest defines the 2048 application service and deployment, then configures the ngrok Ingress Controller to connect the game-2048 service to the ngrok edge via your NGROK_DOMAIN.


    Make sure you edit line 45 of the manifest below, which contains the NGROK_DOMAIN variable, with the ngrok subdomain you created in the previous step. It should look something like

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
    name: game-2048
    namespace: ngrok-ingress-controller
    - name: http
    port: 80
    targetPort: 80
    app: game-2048
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: game-2048
    namespace: ngrok-ingress-controller
    replicas: 1
    app: game-2048
    app: game-2048
    - name: backend
    image: alexwhen/docker-2048
    - name: http
    containerPort: 80
    # ngrok Ingress Controller Configuration
    kind: Ingress
    name: game-2048-ingress
    namespace: ngrok-ingress-controller
    ingressClassName: ngrok
    - host: NGROK_DOMAIN
    - path: /
    pathType: Prefix
    name: game-2048
    number: 80
  3. Apply the 2048.yaml manifest to your RKE2 cluster.

    kubectl apply -f 2048.yaml

    Note: If you get an error when applying the manifest, double check that you've updated the NGROK_DOMAIN value and try again.

  4. Access your 2048 demo app by navigating to your ngrok subdomain, e.g. ngrok's edge and your Ingress Controller will route traffic to your app from any device or external network as long as your Rancher server and application cluster remain operational.

What's next?

You've now used the open source ngrok Ingress Controller for Kubernetes to add public ingress to your Rancher-managed cluster and sample application without worrying about IPs, network interfaces, or VPC routing. Because ngrok offloads ingress and middleware execution to its global edge, you can follow a similar procedure for Rancher-managed clusters in any on-prem or cloud Kubernetes environment, like EKS, GKE, and more.

After deploying this proof-of-concept environment, you can take your integration between Rancher and the ngrok Ingress Controller in several directions.

Backup and/or migrate to a high-availability Rancher installation

Backups are always a good idea to prevent data loss, and are also the best way to convert your Docker-based installation of Rancher into a production-grade environment that leverages the ngrok cloud edge to handle ingress with no additional configuration.

  1. Back up your Rancher installation using a sequence of docker ... commands to create a data container and a backup tarball.
  2. Migrate your installation to a new cluster using the backup tarball as the data source.

Clean up

Because you installed Rancher and deployed your application cluster via Docker, you can clean up by stopping the Rancher container and removing its contents from your local workstation, replacing [DOCKER_NAME] with the name of your Rancher container.

docker stop [DOCKER_NAME] && docker rm [DOCKER_NAME]

You can also now clean up your Linux host, either by following the Rancher node cleanup doc or, in the case of a disposable VM, deleting it entirely.

Extend your Rancher and ngrok Ingress Controller integration

This combination of cluster management and secure, cloud-based public ingress can become a robust development environment for those still onboarding into the cloud native ecosystem or scale up to a multi-cluster production system—all with simpler and more secure ingress from ngrok.

Name-based virtual hosting, for example, allows you to deploy and manage any number of Kubernetes clusters and applications with Rancher and create unique ngrok edge domains, like and, pointing to their respective services.

You can also configure the ngrok Ingress controller with route modules, custom domains, or add edge security with OAuth, and more.

Learn more about the ngrok Ingress Controller, or contribute, by checking out the GitHub repository and the project-specific documentation.